FargoRate match odds --do they work?
Here we look at a large number of race-to-9 matches over the past year in the Eurotour to compare expected match odds to actual results.…
Here we look at a large number of race-to-9 matches over the past year in the Eurotour to compare expected match odds to actual results.…
You’ve likely seen a streamed pool match with Fargo Ratings in the bottom corners and a “chance to win from here” for each player that gets updated when the score changes. Where do these come from? Are they right? These are discussed and illustrated with matches from the recent Turning Stone event.…
We examine here the results of over 5,000 pool games played in the New England 9-Ball Series between two players each with an established Fargo Rating (rating based on 200 or more games). These numbers are large enough to make meaningful comparisons between expected results and actual results.…
Things you don't need to know to have a good functional understanding of Fargo Ratings but might find interesting. Are Fargo Ratings the same as ELO Ratings? What IS an ELO Rating? So many questions...…
On Fargo Ratings and the future of pool…
We are happy to announce that we have recently added several new features to LMS that expand the types of league formats we support.…